Ministries Overview

The name Hosanna comes from the Biblical word meaning “Praise the Lord!” Praise the Lord for His salvation, His Word, His love and so much more! Hosanna Lutheran Church formed with this purpose in mind – to give God our praise through our worship and every other activity found here.

Putting our “Faith into Action” is what it’s all about and Hosanna offers many opportunities for doing just that.

Bible Study

is spiritual growth through the study of God’s Word in retreats, seminars, small groups and larger classes. More…

Children’s Education

through Sunday School, Confirmation classes, Vacation Bible School and Children’s Messages during worship, we nurture and teach our children.


The Hands and Feet of Christ. More…

Community Outreach

Community Outreach reaches out to the needy and disabled through a variety of activities. More…


Caregivers provide special care such as meals and transportation in times of need.

Fellowship Events

Fellowship Events include Sunday morning coffee, retreats, potlucks and more.

Witness & Outreach

Witness & Outreach consists of members that welcome guests and new members to our community of faith.